All works in this section were completed using traditional media, digital programs, or a combination of the two. Pieces range in completion from 2008 to present.
“Imago Sancta Animi” roughly translates in Latin as “Holy Image of the Heart”, which is considered the seat of the soul. The soul is described differently across countless cultures, religions, and people — the image of a soul is thusly varied
For some — finding connection in art, nature, mystical beings, or the unknown — is a means to finding an image of Self. This type of spiritual art has been in existence for years, often seen as sacred and used in practice.
Over the years, many people have come to me with something in mind or asking for my vision. Words, sounds, colors, moods — Some are inherent, some are felt, some are given — and the end result is a truly personal piece. My skills as an artist and sensitive lend to the creation of these spiritual portraits.
Bringing to light and life the beauty of the sacred image of the soul.
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